6th International Student Conference

May 25, 2024

On behalf of the Rector of Powiślański University Dr. Katarzyna Strzała-Osuch, Prof. PSW, and the Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to participate in the 6th International Student Conference, which will be held at the offices of Powiślański University at Jana Heweliusza 11 Street in Gdańsk (Organika Trade, 2nd floor) on May 25, 2024 during International Week '24.

May 25 is undoubtedly the culminating day of this year's International Week 2024, especially in terms of scientific speeches, research presentations, and thus building relationships, common ideas and spaces for dialogue both between universities, but also between different cultures. The 6th International Student Conference will allow students from all over the world to speak out on the topics that are most important to them, primarily in the socio-economic and medical sciences. The conference aims to provide a space for the free exchange of ideas and experiences this time from those who are at the beginning of their scientific careers. The idea of the student conference is to allow the voice of young people, students, who equally make up, and are the future of the current and creating this international event, to be expressed and heard from different parts of academia.

As of this moment, dozens of universities from more than twenty-five countries (including Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Jordan, Panama, Portugal, Turkey, Uganda, and Italy) have confirmed their participation, and all of them together with Powiślański University make up International Week 2024 in Gdansk!

The International Student Conference, like International Week 2024 as a whole, is both an unusual opportunity to learn about other points of view from different parts of the world and a place for dialogue over any issues from the shared world of science. In this case, the conference will center around student communities and their insights and contributions to science.

Each conference will be divided into Polish and English-language sections. The event is completely free of charge for each potential participant except for those who would be interested in publishing an article in the post-conference monograph. Conference speakers are required to pay a fee of 250 PLN.

Scope of the conference

We invite you to join us in an interdisciplinary discourse that will shed light from different angles on such issues as:

prosperity vs. economic affluence,

Welfare versus social justice,

welfare vs. health,

Well-being and the challenges of medicine and health sciences,

welfare vs. education,

Welfare versus the way the state operates,

Welfare versus the political system,

Prosperity versus environmental quality.  

Registration for the VI International Student Conference is scheduled until April 10, 2024. Submission of abstracts of speeches is scheduled until April 24, and submission of texts for publication - until May 15, 2024. Any questions about the conference can be sent in writing to the email address Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. and by phone at +48 532 549 124.

Link to registration: HERE

For more information on the conference, visit the university's official website:

PSW CONFERENCES - Home Page (powislanska.edu.pl).


And coverage of last year's conferences and trade shows is available here:



Participants of the VI International Student Conference have the opportunity to publish their papers in the form of a chapter in a scientific monograph, which will be published by the Powiślański University Publishing House in electronic form in Open Access mode. Each submitted work will be evaluated by two reviewers. For more information about the Publisher, visit: https://powislanska.edu.pl/wydawnictwo/.

The VI International Student Conference will be accompanied by the XI International Scientific Conference "Faces of Prosperity", which will be held at the University's second location - at 18 Mariana Smoluchowskiego Street (PSW Auditorium). We warmly encourage you to participate.

You are cordially invited and please distribute to potentially interested people!


Thank you,

 Powiślański University